Our Journey

Matthew and I have been actively trying to conceive since 2007. We continue to wait for our miracle...This is our journey.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My First Clomid Month

My first Clomid cycle has been interesting to say the least. I took 100 mgs on cds 3-7 and had expected horrible side effects. To my suprise, I survived those days without as much as a headache. No hot flashes, etc. as other women have reported. I did have mood swings, but I'm not sure if that was a direct result of the Clomid or just my usual af hormones. Quite honestly, I thought I was out of the woods. WRONG! Around cd 10, I began feeling a little nausea. And it was all downhill from there! :) According to opks, I ovulated sometime between cds 14 and 16. Lazy me forgot to start temping this month due to our relocation during the ice storm. By the time I thought about it, it was too late in my cycle to get any useful information. Around cd 10, I began feeling some nausea. Nothing major, just a little queasy. By cd 12, I was so bloated that my jeans felt uncomfortable. There wasn't any actual pain, just enough discomfort to be annoying. On cd 15, though, I felt like af was on her way! My lower back hurt like hell, my face and hair were greasy and I started to experience minor cramping. Again, nothing painful but irritating. Those symptoms lasted through cd 17. On cd 18, my nipples became REALLY sensitive. In the past, I have tried soy isoflavones to induce ovulation. During those cycles (around the time of a positive opk), my breasts hurt like hell, but my nipples weren't extrodinarily sensitive. I'm hoping this is a good sign. Today (cd 19), my stomach is still tender and the thought of certain foods make me want to puke, but overall, the worst symptoms seem to have faded. I'm curious to see how the remainder of the 2ww goes...

On a slightly different note, one of my closest friends really ticked me off this week. Lynn, who has been my best friend since we were old enough to walk, is currently living out of state. She is also a cyster and endured 2 years of treatments before conceiving her beautiful baby girl. Lynn and I have always been close. While she and her husband were ttc, Lynn often called me to cry, vent or discuss the next step in their journey. After her first IUI, while Lynn was lying in the doctor's office in a paper gown with her feet still in stirrups, she called me. We laughed, we prayed. And nine months later, her miracle was born. The joke is that Lynn's phone call to me was what made the difference. Lynn's baby is now almost five months old and perfectly healthy. She has been blessed. Yesterday, Lynn called just to chit chat. Although we usually talk several times a week, this was our first opportunity to have more than a five minute conversation since I started taking Clomid. Lynn knew that this was our first cycle with meds and even gave me a few pointers on the day that I picked up the prescription. But yesterday was different. She asked how I'd been and I explained the "cliff notes" version of my experience with Clomid. Her only response? "Now you know what I went through for almost two years." There was no "hang in there" or "it'll be worth it". Had she been within my arm's reach, I probably would have slapped her! During Lynn's entire ttc journey, I knew way too much information. I knew exactly what cd she was on, what the opks said and I was her first call after the bfp. Now that our roles are slightly reversed, her attitude has changed greatly. I don't know...Maybe she was just having a tough day. Lynn's husband is currently away for work, so she's left at home to parent an infant alone. Or maybe she's jealous that our journey might not take as long as hers. Or maybe I'm just moody and overreacting. Sigh.....


1luckychick February 22, 2009 at 12:02 PM  

Don't let it get you down. I think it may be a combination of all that you listed. Maybe she is a tad jealous and also overwhelmed taking care of her infant alone. It also seems like she is trying to remind you of the hard time she had...but that is not right. This is now YOUR time. She should be a better listener and comfort you just for the simple fact she knows what you are going through. I'm sorry that your feelings got hurt but don't worry about it and stress over it. Some people just say things they don't realize hurt other peoples feelings. I'm sure she didn't mean to do that...at least I hope she didn't!

There is hope. February 22, 2009 at 10:47 PM  

Thanks. I'm sure she didn't realize how harsh it sounded. Lynn really struggled while undergoing treatment. Matthew and I had discussed ttc but opted not to until she conceived. I knew that she would be extremely hurt and jealous if we, by some miracle were able to have child before she did. We started trying the day that she announced her pregnancy. Only a select few people know that Matthew and I are currently trying (even our parents are in the dark), but I had hoped that Lynn would be a strong support system since she's already been there. Thank goodness for the internet!!!

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