Our Journey

Matthew and I have been actively trying to conceive since 2007. We continue to wait for our miracle...This is our journey.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You know you're trying to conceive when...

You've ever groped your breasts in traffic to check for tenderness...until you noticed the overweight, bald toothless man in the car beside you fully enjoying the show (he must have taken his little blue pill that day!).

You've ever stopped by the local Rite Aid on your way home from work to pick up a pregnancy test, two cigars, a super size box of tampons and a fifth of Jack Daniels (gotta cover all the bases, right?).

You refer to your husband as "dh", your doctor as "re", your period as "af" and call all of your future children by their first, middle and last names...at the water cooler.

You've ever caught a touch of the flu and cried tears of joy--THIS COULD BE OUR MONTH!

Your husband knows more about the inner workings of the female reproductive system than your last female gynocologist.

You've ever had to convince your sweet, innocent grandmother that the track marks on your arms are the results of lab work and not because you've become a heroin junkie (Does she really have to watch Cops every time it's on tv?!?) .

You've ever purchased infant clothing, bibs, toys or nursery decor...and hidden them away in a closet for the moment. You'll get pregnant someday, right?

You've ever responded "cd 23--only 10 days away from testing" when a stranger at the supermarket asks you what day it is.

These are just a few thoughts off the top of my head. Feel free to add your own...


Stacey January 9, 2009 at 12:11 AM  

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog page and deciding to become one of my followers. I love it when I have new people to talk to and share my daily/life stories with.
As you may have noticed, I am fairly knew to blogging. My page was created back in December, the 15th, I think. It has blessed me with so many wonderful women who have been great supporters of my journey. I truly enjoy the fact that I can use this as an outlet for my feelings and emotions, and then have others understand me and sympatize with me. It is wonderful to have such new and caring friends that are willing to take an extra step and help you through any situation that you are in. :)
Best wishes on your journey. You and your husband will be close in my thoughts and prayers. I will look forward to following your journey too and sharing in your words of wisdom. :)
Today's post was really cute. I like it alot! OH! I wanted to also let you know that my journey with TTC is pretty new, only since August when my husband and I got married. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was in college so I have known that getting pregnant was going to take some work. ugh~ Once again, thanks for taking time to read my blog, it means a lot to me to have new people to share information with. :)
Smiles and blessings,
Stacey :)

Paula Keller January 9, 2009 at 9:29 PM  

I have totally bought tampons and pee sticks in the same trip before!

Meridith January 10, 2009 at 11:51 AM  

This is too funny!! I think I've done all of these things!!!!

Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog!! Looking forward to getting to know one another!!

Sissy January 11, 2009 at 6:15 PM  

That is totally a great list! I think I went through so many pregnancy tests when we were on Clomid. And one time I did seriously think I was pregnant and I only had a serious case of PMS.

There is hope. January 11, 2009 at 9:06 PM  

Thanks for the great comments...And yes, I'm guilty of everything on the list. :) Hope you all have a great week! I'm looking forward to reading your blog updates.

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