Trudging Onward with Hope
I've finally reached a point of peace and excitement about starting clomid in January. Matthew and I are ready to be parents and if this step will help us reach that dream, then, that's where we're headed. I've been pretty down in the dumps for the past few cycles. I even made the mistake of asking Matt "when do we give up trying?" His response? "Give up??? Honey, we're just getting started!" I cried and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. He's right, you know. We're just at the beginning. I don't have to worry about what happens next. We just need to take this journey one step at a time. The unknown is scary, but I have a loving husband who's willing to stand beside me and encourage me. I'm very lucky to have the support system that I have. can kiss my ass! This is a fight that I'm going to win.
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