Our Journey

Matthew and I have been actively trying to conceive since 2007. We continue to wait for our miracle...This is our journey.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Countdown to Clomid

My doctor's appointment is just four days away. After a full year of ttc, I will finally bite the bullet and ask her for Clomid. Our health insurance doesn't cover any costs related to fertility, but thank goodness generic Clomid is on Wal-Mart's $9 prescription list. I have mixed emotions...I'm excited about the possibility of beginning a medication that will help us conceive. But at the same time, I'm terrified. Infertility has become "real". When I started metformin, I was able to justify that the medication was to balance the havoc that PCOS has wreaked on my hormones. It was just a pill. But Clomid? It's actually a fertility drug. And beginning that medication means that we are only six months away from more aggressive treatment. Matthew and I can afford a child (or even twins), but we aren't financially prepared for injections, IUIs and IVF. Because my doctor specializes in PCOS, insurance will pay for office visits related to the condition--not the fertility aspect of it. Each office visit alone is $375. Matthew and I want children, but we aren't emotionally ready to take out a second mortage to cover the costs. I know, I know...One step at a time. Just keep us in your thoughts this week. Clomid shouldn't really be that big of a deal, but to us, it's a huge step.


Amanda January 12, 2009 at 1:14 PM  

$9.00 for Clomid! HOLY MOLY!!! I hated Metformin, and I still do. I've not been taking it religiously in a long time. It's a mental thing. Metformin does not seem nearly as scary as Clomid. Good Luck at your appointment. It's great your doctor specializes in PCOS, that should help tremendously in your TTC. Good Luck with EVERYTHING! Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to getting to know you!

Stacey January 12, 2009 at 11:48 PM  

You will certainly be in our prayers. I wish you all of the best in your TTC journey. Stay strong and take one day at a time, which is something that I continually have to tell myself because I am a very impatient person. Praise God that you have a doctor who specializes in PCOS and also the ability to get the generic form of clomid for a small price. We will pray that this is the answer to the miracle that you have been waiting for. :)

Stacey :)

There is hope. January 13, 2009 at 12:14 PM  

Amanda, Wal-Mart's prices are better than co-pays for most insurance companies that do cover infertility medications. Other pharmacies are beginning to follow suit, but I think that for now, they are limiting discounts to antibiotics and other common drugs. Metformin is on Wal-Mart's $4 list. So that may be something to check into.

Stacey, Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I, too, am impatient. I want what I want and I want it now! Unfortunately, God doesn't always support my time line. :) I DO have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks for helping to put that in perspective.

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