Our Journey

Matthew and I have been actively trying to conceive since 2007. We continue to wait for our miracle...This is our journey.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Clomid, Cycle 2

Shortly after my last post, I came down with the flu. Even though I had a flu shot around Thanksgiving, I managed to contract a strange strand of influenza that wasn't covered by this year's vaccine. Oh the joys of working with the public! Anyway, as a result, March's cycle was a total bust. I wasn't able to go back for my Clomid check for fear of spreading the virus. Sigh....

Today, I had my month-overdue Clomid check with Dr. B. She reviewed my bbt chart from February and was excited to see a positive opk on cd 17-18. Since I am now on cd 35, she wrote a script for Provera to induce af and increased the Clomid to 150 mgs on cds 3-7. Dr. B. remains positive. She's convinced that this will be our month. Thank God for encouraging doctors!


Stacey April 10, 2009 at 12:54 AM  

YEAH! Isn't it so nice to have a doctor who encourages you. :) I know that blessing myself.

Well, it sounds like we could be hearing awesome news from you in the weeks to come. I can't hardly wait.

Hugs and blessings,

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